NADARS, my local club, held their annual junk sale for a couple of weeks ago. It is normally annual but Covid, as with everything else, got in the way last year.
Not having been to such a sale before I was not sure what to expect but the hall held a number of tables with a wide selection of radio, and other, items of various vintages and states of repair. There was ample time to wander around the hall looking at the various items and deciding which would be useful or intriging enough to bid on.
I have been thinking about trying a little QRP work and have been looking for light and portable equipment so one of the items that attracted my attention was a telescopic antenna that covers 10-80M. Also a couple of old Motorola Gm350 based repeaters that I thought would be good to play with. The third item that caught my attention was an old signal generator that covered audio and radio frequencies up to 200mhz.
The club chairman managed the bidding process with a couple of committee members helping out with displaying the items, with the club finance person keeping track of everyones spending.
The sale process was fairly fast and whilst not everything sold, I managed to get the items I desired and we raised some money for the club.
I look forward to next years sale and have a few things to keep me occupied in the next few months